Wednesday 8 August 2012


semalam adelah berkursus selame 2 ari starting from monday till tuesday... so, tajuk yer adelah berkaitan dgn intergriti.. ko tahu ape tu intergriti? hahaha... bende nie bkn mknan or minuman.. die adelah sesuatu tabiat dh perlu d pupuk dlm diri setiap manusie.. supaya manusia boleh mngenalpasti n mengawal tingkahlaku n dpt memupuk n mngemalkan nilai2 murni yg perlu tok memelihare keharmonian n keamanan negara... tp, org skang dh kurg dh sikap nie.. thats why la always argue n fight with others.. always think they always right without think others feeling n situation.. just compare la kn, attitude org dlu n lapisan masyrakat skang.. but, nk kondem byk pn xbley.. ape pn.. sikap sederhane tu penting n perlu d kekalkn tok elak sikap yg over n so judgemental... yes.. bese la manusie.. sikap tok men'judging' org meg ade, tp every we do must be control.. otherwise, it will turn out to out of control.. aku, bese je.. tgh2.. xover sgt, tp xla bek sgt.. ape pn.. the only person i always judge is myself.... still learning n put an afford to be the better person.. n put the side of me.... but, still so many weakness i need to get rip of.. hehehe.. so, people.. lets change our perseption n put a +ve side n thinking.. make it grow to build ur best n better attitude... InsyaAllah... peace no war bebeh =)

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